the plaid shorts with exposed blackberry threw us off at first, but we were not fooled, we had spotted a rare leprechaun/elf at yogurtland eating his comfort foods
from his native land the northpole, which would be a snowcone, because that's what happens when a rainbow hits the snow, but since that wasnt available he went for choice #2, ice cold yogurt with lucky charms, next like Stigmata the likeness of the elf appeared on the garment bag

then like MYTZLPLYK, the trickster, the drawing on the bag came to life and showered us with lies and jimmies, and promised he wouldn't eat the real leprechaun, but he did.

unsatisfied next he ate the sequins off this woman's ass thinking they were coins for his pot. instead he got a tummy ache, shit rainbow blood(with gold corn kernels) and died

nothing goes better after froyo than a BBBJTCNQNS.

so we already got the frozen tasty treats,killer elves, and cumshot out of the way, so what better way to end the night, than with hand cut shadow puppets, improv, midnight picnic in central park followed by bottle rocket wars.