It’s 7 a.m. in new york, I haven’t slept in two days ,I’m working on my 300 page book(out next year with chronicle) I’ll probably go to sleep in a few hours(or maybe not, they have a good shrimp burrito at broadway east on the weekend), in the meantime I’m filtering through decades of art, photo’s and stories, so here’s some random old shit from back in the day, with some new shit from this week in new york city.

Some wood sculptures from the first show at GR2 in l.a.

(by the way I haven’t gone to san diego comic con in 5 years, but I’ll be there later this month, I have two different limited versions of my wood toys and 2 limited skate decks with giant robot, both will probably only be available at the con, see you fellow nerds there!)

this is one of the skateboard designs

kevin ancell, the perverted mickey avalon, and another pervert, at the MGM for the last BJ Penn fight.

Kevin is one of the best artists in the world , but more important than that ,he’s one of the best dudes ever, he’s a drifter like me, so I can relate to him better than old married people, if I was a chick I’d probably marry him and we’d be even more fucked up then woody allen and Soon-Yi(by the way I saw the third installment in the trilogy of: old salty and vinegary,bitter white man teamed up with young, lost ,looking for guidance kid, becomes an unlikely friendship movie, which was 1) gran torino 2)UP by pixar, and the one i just saw, 3) whatever works, the larry david/woody allen movie, and you know woody wanted to make the lead girl, asian ,but everyone would’ve frowned , he shouldve made her asian). Here’s a little bit about Kevin

JJ, Horny Kim, Pat, and Eric, at the Penn fight.

My mom cooks an amazing Korean dinner in Koreatown, los angeles, for all the lost boys and lost souls and those who have halitosis of the heart.
Harry kim, eric nakamura, bobby namba, james jean, and Mr. Hahn

Here’s some down and dirty quick watercolor sketches from new york

Supermodel,and all around cool chick, Erin Wasson , changing in front of us, showing off her new clothes line for RVCA at the Barney’s HQ in midtown

I’ve never seen a girl so lost in the city before, I don’t know if she was lost or homeless, but she looked like she had stepped out of an Charles Lutwidge Dodgson novel or tim burton movie from the 80’s. I felt like I just wanted to give her a giant bag of candy laced with elf tears and a giant horse made out of taffy and cotton candy to carry her out of this city, and this time period on giant mammatus clouds back to where she belongs, but I just drew her instead.

I got to be completely honest, I actually feel like total shit because when these old identical twins got on the L, wearing the same exact clothes, even at their age, I did the typical Korean pre-judging ,and the first thing I thought was, Danny DeVito from the movie twins, and his rant about being the genetic shit and Arnold being the genetic gold, and I thought here’s two genetic shit’s. and I couldn’t stop looking at them. I saw them be completely loving to each other, how they touched and talked to each other, with patience,kindness,and tenderness. I could see they were totally dependent on each other, and I got sad thinking one of them might die before the other one, and they were so brotherly to each other, and I loved them too, and they were not genetic shit, and neither was danny devito in that movie and/or in life

Chizzzzzed in china town (maybe one of the best drawings I’ve ever done in my life)

My mom dropped by new york this week, so she made me breakfast every morning, with a little drawing, and I took her back to see Bacon with my bro. On her last day she cooked for us and my friend mike namba , and my niece Maya.(Mr. Hahn gave me this Mickey Mouse zombie brains t-shirt, that my mom stole from me, and wears all the time now, after i threw all her ed hardy bullshit out)

Maya got down on the drums like Meg White,she got so worked up she had to take a nap standing up. When she woke up , she was like,"what the fuck !? who told you to stop partying?!?!"and she started to scream, LET’S KEEP PARTYING!!!!!!!!

So we did

Here’s the complete partylist:
YALL SO STUPID-introduce me
LIL WAYNE -shoot me down
SONIC YOUTH- drunken butterfly
THE GZA -liquid swords
YO LA TENGO -our way to fall
HANG ON THE BOX -no sexy
GUNS N ROSES -rocket queen
DEPECHE MODE -taking a ride with my best friend
STEELHEART- Ill never let you go (angel eyes)
SUPERCHUNK -Connecticut
KORN- porno creep
THE CONCRETES -foreign country
MONEY MARK -sometimes you gotta make it alone
APHEX TWIN -alberto balsam
ANDREW WK -I get wet
KEITH FORSEY - love theme (breakfast club soundtrack)