Is bacon high society? Who doesn’t like bacon? I had a Man date to look at art with my art fag friends Sam, Tomer, James, Jules,Kenichi, and Ben and Bobby from the hundreds, (here is the text message from james to set up our date).

Franky B. aka Francis Bacon r.i.p. arguably the greatest painter of the 20th century, has a huge retrospective at the Met right now, and I live in new york so I got to see it right?
I get on the F train going uptown, and I put on the other Franky B. aka Francis Black one of the best singers ever, on my ipod and I fucking see a gustav klimt painting come to life ,
it’s just me and her on the train so I feel like a creep taking her photo, so I try to sneak it, In korea the phones are so advanced people can talk on their phones or even watch live tv on their phone miles beneath the earth, that shit don’t work out here, everyone knows that , but here I am trying to pretend like im talking on the phone sideways while taking a cameraphone flick , the phone even made a loud taking a photo sound, she totally knew ,I was busted, but whatever how often do see a 200 year old painting come to life . so klimt to bacon , he’s an angry mother fucker started hitting his stride at 60 ,paints like an angry old queen, his art is filled with hate,anger, hacked guts,gore, sprinkled with mangled and bloody cocks,all exploding into pent up homoerotic awesomeness and I love it, I’ve seen most of his stuff in books, but seeing it in person with the paint chunks ,clumped, stacked, and layered ,with all the violent brush strokes is like seeing a messy murder crime scene, I had never seen his paintings of dogs

and I love that shit, it made me miss my dog rosie,

and I paint her,rocky and angel as much as possible,

here's a picture of rosie looking more like a bacon painting ,

and here’s a painting I did back in the day that a lot of people said looked like francis bacon,

and so I looked him up and that’s how I first learned about the Bacon.

here's James studying a painting with his futuristic backpack, that hides his adamantium wings and records all of mans accomplishments before they unleash the angel of death aka james jean, onto the world, see most people that meet james, think he's a pretty mellow dude, they have no idea that the inside of his soul looks more like this painting he's standing in front of. this was right before we got into a lively discussion about what shade and hue of cadmium, Bacon was using

In the description next to his dog painting, there was a quote from the man saying “I remember looking at dog shit on the pavement and I suddenly realized, there it is- that is what life is like.” ….. damn bacon, don’t you remember what it was like to be young and full of life and not jaded and bitter??

here’s a picture of a strip of sugar cured bacon from my lunch at clinton street bakery inspired by bacon's art, i collaged many cunts and clits into it's surface for you to enjoy.

After hanging out in high society I brought it down 100 notches going back to the sewer, the epitome of low art, the comic book shop !!!! on the subway down ,a watercolor sketch I did back in 07 somehow materialized into real flesh and blood, with chuck taylors, like amazing stories, got loose on the train, and was looking around lost,

I was like,” who fucking told you, you could leave my sketchbook, get the fuck back up in there!!” I got out my sketchbook, spread the pages wide open and she jumped back onto the page where it’s safe and where she belongs.
if the comic book shop is actually the highest form of art for me, than this guy must be my priest,

this is silver age larry who’s at jim hanleys 85% of the time I’m there, what happens in new york comic shops is you see grown adults in buisness suits as well as nerds and ne’er do wells getting into spirited debate and conversations in the aisles over capes , inkers, and swiss cheesed plot lines ,larry knows absolutely everything about comics, I go in there once a month and try to stump him on trivia and he has yet to disapoint me, he is always smiling knowledgeable and ready to help a new reader or seasoned veteran to new material, I ask him about everything from comics, comic book movies, boners and girls, that’s why I guess im so fucked up sexually. Anyways there's larry wearing the classic punisher shirt and a winning smile(you can see by the weathered cracks in the skull, larry's been rocking the punisher for more than a minute).
the punisher is the unofficial mascot to new york city, you see more punisher shirts in new york than any other city in the world, he’s batman with no rules, he's a revenge fantasy porno to the max, he's basically the perfect superhero for new york, it’s the only city in the world wear you can buy a punisher t-shirt at any hour of the day, if you have lived in new york for more than 5 years you can wear one as a badge of honor. Fuck everyone who was involved in the last two punisher movies for delivering such shit( with the exception of the last movie which had two standout scenes where the Punisher punches a big hole in a guy's face and blows up a guy with a bazooka while he's doing a cartwheel in mid-air)
,the original movie with dolph still rules the school, quit being fuckers and make a proper punisher flick that the new yorkers deserve.

Dolph’s opening monologue is one of the best scenes to capture the punisher spirit, and was used in a biohazard song appropriately titled "punishment". And than to top off seeing some of the greatest paintings of the 20th century, I then ran into my old mentor barron storey who is one of the greatest drawers of the 20th century, who’s having an opening at the society of illustrators with over 100 of his mind fucking face melting sketchbooks on view this week ,on the 12th. here's a painting from Barron

and finally, on my final descent home, fate saving the best for last, a true beauty, stepping right out of the pages of a dan clowes comic, a hair helmeted, no country for old man with tiger striped nikes appeared on east broadway