dirty hands is playing tonight in fucking Asbury Park, New jersey at 8pm, harry said he'll be skyping at the opening, which i'm not sure what that means. buy your tickets here if you don't live in jersey, and want to purchase DIRTY HANDS on DVD
see what Kevin has to say to harry the director

Dear Mr Harry Kim, director of Dirty Hands: The Art & Crimes of David Choe,
I live in a city that is not Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, or New York City, a place that David Choe or artists never come to hang out in. We are devoid of anything excited. I do a lot of staring at things. I work in the local movie theater, a theater where we did not show your Dirty Hands: The Art & Crimes of David Choe. This saddened/saddens me. I wanted to see this movie because David has been my favorite artist ever since I saw his art on the cover of Juxtapoz in 2006. I tried to get a bootlegged copy of the DVD off the interweb, but I can’t bootleg with dial-up. I told it was a small town!
Now, Harry Kim, I will buy Dirty Hands: The Art & Crimes of David Choe as soon as its available on DVD, but you first need to make it available on DVD for one to purchase it. And you haven’t done that yet, and that makes many of us who live near cornfields with dial-up very sad.
Harry, can you please release the DVD for Dirty Hands: The Art & Crimes of David Choe as soon as you can. I’m afraid I won’t want it anymore if I wait longer.
Kevin Eugene Korine
Middle USA, USA