
I told this guy m.strange that I wanted to set up my website so I don’t have to update it for 5 years.
That was about 5 years ago. He designed it in the time it takes to take a real good shit and check your e-mail.
But for the last three years he’s been working like a madman in his san jose cave , creating this ,stop motion, claymation,,,, every kind of animation, he did most or all of the voices(I did the voice of the character ,rain, and painted some people melting), sound effects, music, art, and animating, it’s super insprirational, and is a true testament what one man can do, with a little technology and not that much cash, if he’s committed and dedicated and hungry enough, this thing is gonna be crazy, it’s funny, sad, romantic, mindfuck, I’m doing a horrible job explaining it, it got on the front page of youtube.com , http://youtube.com/watch?v=6qCSahatkbk
Last week ,and got like half a million hits, He got hundreds or rabid hardcore fans over night, that’s hardwork and dedication paying off, shit is blowing up. We’re all super excited, if this shit gets into sundance, we’re all going to park city next year to fuck it up.
Watch this shit, it’ll blow your mind