Ok don’t ever say I didn’t do anything for you. I was gonna save this bad boy for next year, but due to all your incessant whining childish demands, I give in to your pressure. This is a 7 by 10 foot painting on canvas titled “toxic la
sunsets and the dirty moon hangs like a filthy fingernail.”
I used acrylic, latex paint , oil paint, oil stick, and spray paint. As a lot of you who read my blog know, this painting which was not a commission but in my LOS ANGELES “nothing to declare “ show , is now in Mark Zuckerberg’s art collection, so it is not available. However what is available for to you this Wednesday on March 9th 2011 , is a very limited editon print of this super bright colorful super layered and textured painting, you can see many of the textures and layers in this print and a lot of subtleties in the darks . this painting was also featured as the cover of a zine’ I did with Jason jaworski, you can see it here, and read a “not gay” coversation between us here, you will really feel like your between us. And those aren’t two pillows. Ok if you want one of these it'll cost you $234 dollars plus shipping, it's 19.5 by 26 inches, I’m only making 47 editions, so get this on wed starting at sunset 6pm westcoast time, and don’t complain to me later. It will be available through this fine gentleman , bobby namba at trapezeeditions.com , be nice . and i'll see you wednesday night at this

OK I'm gonna settle down now, listen to some music.

spank my monkey

get some drive thru

and try to get some sleep