ASA AKIRA likes my toys
get tham at giantrobot.com, and look for asa's pussy and asshole mold available from digital playground soon!

skateboard trade exchange

you can see asa signed her deck to me "smelly faggot" , and with that
i'll leave you with some new fanmail
I've been following your work for a few years. I even own a couple of
pieces. Today I went on to your website for the first time and read
some of your diary. After reading #16 (below) I realized you weren't
so much an artist as just a lost soul using art as an excuse to put
your stink forward. . When you strip down the artifice, you're just a
racist homophobe. I had no idea you were so limited intellectually.
Now, I think I'm the one who's going to need a shower, but only after
I burn the shit that has your signature. Too bad."