i started stealing spawn toys when i was 15, a few years too old to be doing that, but i loved todd mcfarlane and i loved the toys and i didnt have any money so i stole them, It got a little worse, i got a job at toys'r'us as the guy that assembles the bikes when you purchase them, it was me and this older black guy, he got pissed at me because i was working too quick , he said as i recall,"hey chino , slow down, we gonna get paid either way, whats the rush?" he complained to management that i was playing heavy metal devil music (KORN,deftones,sonic youth)too loud, and it was affecting his work so they moved me out to the floor, where i was deemed too unfriendly to customers (he never smiles), so i was moved quickly to stockroom, where no one spoke english and every single toy'r'us safety rule was broken and suicidal tendencies could be played loud, and where i was in charge of guess what? stocking Spawn toys!!! i would dump boxes of toys in the dumpster, and then keep all the rare , one-to-a-box chase figures and sell the rest to local comic shops and nerds(this was before ebay). soon i had every toy in the world at my house, it was starting to get quite embarrassing, (a few years later i got a job in porn so i had nothing but porn,comics,toys, and an electronic drum set in my house, it looked identical to the dude's house in the movie 40 year old virgin), once i had everything, i needed more! i needed the rarest of the rarest , so i started to collect misprinted,discolored and mispackaged toys, i'd scan every box, and once in a great while, i'd find that hidden treasure,i got a nathan summers aka: cable where they forgot to paint his face,i got a X-force strong guy that they packaged upside down, soon it grew into collecting all things fucked and fucked up, i had bootleg transformers from Bangladesh(an orange and a purple soundwave) and counterfeit GI JOES, but like all boys , after i got a taste of pussy all that foolishness faded into the background.
the newest issue of BATMAN #10 written by Frank Miller, art by Jim Lee with alternate cover by Frank Quitely , had just come out to great controversy, it was the first time in the entire BATMAN and mainstream DC comics universe that the word CUNT was used in a mainstream super hero comic, three of my favorite comic book people in one comic with cuss words, i had to fucking have it , only to find out on the news: "destroy all copies of Batman & Robin #10 this week was apparently made at DC’s request because the black boxes used to cover obscenities deemed too extreme in the dialogue were not dark enough to make the words illegible in all cases" so DC destroyed all the copies and then had to reprint them again using darker boxes, So the inner nerd hunter in me came out once again
Recently i had the great honor of having Jim Lee ,one of the best super hero artists of all time, purchase my painting EXODUS IN THE LAND OF PLAY, i knew jim had to have a copy or the unrated version, so i had to ask , and all my nerd urges were satiated when i got the CUNTED up issue of batman in the mail today . thanks Jim