I’ve hopped freights over the rockies , through the swamps of the south , bridges over the Mississippi , but one of the most breathtaking rides is the line going up California to the pacific northwest, I made sure we got a boxcar with both sides open because the ocean is on the left and majestic forests and mountain ranges are to the right . the thing people don’t know about California is ,once you get north past sacramento, it’s some of the shittiest meanest racist mother fuckers on the planet, worse than the dirty south. Along these tracks before I took this picture 3 dirty white kids followed us on bikes, our faces were black and purple because we were shoving blackberries in our mouths from a bush near the tracks, they started throwing rocks at us and called us nigger pies! We asked them where their parents were, dad’s dead and mom’s at home fucking a nigger. They thought my white friends were cute and that me and my jap friend were the color of pee and wondered how we were able to see with such small eyes. I admit I was pretty steamed and said some very hurtful racist things back, when you see a grown up in a racist shouting match with an 8 year old girl, you know life is rad!