Fucking finally ! for those of you who still give a flying fuck, the decade(2 years actual filmmaking 8 years of personal life dramatizations and behind the scenes heartbreaking chaos and hijinx) in the making DIRTY HANDS DVD will finally see the light of day! For all you broke motherfuckers you can watch this shit for free right now! Right here!

You don’t even have to steal it, I’m just giving it away, and for those of you who like to own things, and acquire stuff. The official release date is this coming Monday July 18th exclusively at upperplayground.com and at upperplayground stores.

It’s an epic 2 disc set with over 3 hours of boner footage, extras with sasha grey , the Jew bear-Eli Roth, art lessons that will save you hundreds of thousands of dollars , a mini zine booklet of all the bullshit we went through during the last ten years

(here's one page from the zine)
plus all the movies I’m into. video commentary with my parents, and the two dip shits I do my podcast with at koreansgonebad.com, and a bunch of other shit I cant remember. Who cares just buy this shit, all the people that already think you’re a douchebag will think you’re an even bigger douchebag when they see this handsome DVD package on your bookshelf, it will definitely not get you laid!!!! Anyways like I said the official release date is july 18th this Monday, but me and harry are gonna pull a stealth mission and sneak up the coast this weekend , hitchhike all the way from Crenshaw to Fillmore and do an in-store DVD signing at UPPERPLAYGROUND this SUNDAY ! JULY 17th 218 Fillmore Street , San Francisco, CA 94117 from 2pm till whenever(this will be my only signing, I’m not doing this in LA, NEW YORK, etc. I don’t even think were making that many copies anyways), we’ll draw stupid pictures for you , sign your babies, herpes, cesarean scars, stretch marks, zits, whatever you got , probably give away some cool shit, and then just like that we ghosts.

I know some of you might be saying to yourselves,” fuck you Dave! Why should we buy your DVD? I bet you don’t even buy DVD’s anymore!” and to that I’d have to reply,” I’m afraid your mistaken, I purchase DVD’S almost everyday, here’s two that I recently acquired just the other day.”

here's some of the prints and toys we will be giving away to random people at the signing, from my personal stash. what do i need my own prints for anyways? i can just make more new shit right??

thanks to travis, Mickey, eli,Dr.Luke , Natalia,Sasha, Juxtapoz , Hypebeast, and the SOURCE for helping spread the word!