it's been almost a decade since, i had my first art show at my first art gallery
(thanks matt,ted shred, rhode, and ezra). it was at a place called UPPER PLAYGROUND
it was, and still is at Haight and Fillmore in San Francisco, and it is where my next solo art show will be on friday, February 5th 2010.


new paintings, new prints, and long sold out prints, available only here
248 Fillmore Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
February 5th 2010
opening reception 7-9:30pm

the last show i had there was a few years ago when i looked like this

and i painted the door next door ,it looked like this

a few years have passed and now i look like this

and even though nothing i've ever painted in L.A. has been fucked with ,you silly art academy reject fuckers in the bay wanted to scratch out her eyes and wheatpaste silly pink elephants....

thanks for the love bay area! i still love you and i'll see you there.