-transported the Lincoln from the 408 to the 213, the radio hasn’t worked in 30 years, so had to ipod it, listened to the artie lange, joe buck debacle on howard stern and the musical styling’s of stone gossard and kim thayil.

Hanging out with the always beautiful and always gracious MyLan at the todd schorr show at the museum in san jose, and always good to see my goofball Rosey.

drove into L.A. and went straight to Prince Barstow Bobby Brownstar Namba's , to sign the Hendrix prints, (thanks to everyone that got one)

found something my brother Jimmy made in the garage.

even though the hotels comp all this free shit to the room, like cheese plates and champagne , nothing beats a SKOR bar , with a watchamacallit chaser, followed by some 3-way strap on ipod action

Mr. Hahn cut's it up on the turntables and the grill, as he throws one last BBQ before Linkin Park's summer tour

driving around with Asa Akira, finally got her license last week, watch out L.A. drivers

RETNA on fire, Rvca just built a lifesize UFC octagon ring inside thier newport warehouse, and brought my man in to do it up nice, looks fucking sick. Here's ringleader PM tenore, with RETNA and BJ Penn.

stopped by the dragonette's for Zelly's b-day, they were chillin and grillin at Nathan Cabrera's house, see if you can find the whale spine bone in this picture

even more grillin in K-town for harry and jean's birthday, there's Lana, saelee, Big matt, Yoshi, and Gu who does a bunch of shit on my favorite show Metalocalypse, here's one of the best characters on that show come to life, as a woman, at comic con, doing coke on the street .

got into a huge argument, wether that was demi moore , and if it was, if that really was her real bush, and if it was how fucking awesome getting laid in the 80's must've been,

My brother made the PUNISHIRT for san diego comic con, which got stress tested for quality control right here by my miami family ,FRIENDS WITH YOU

the tick was the best, until MILF princess leia, pushing around baby princess leia strollered through.

everyone loves GOD OF WAR, patrick, and evil twins

signed books , shirts, toys and skate decks at the giant robot booth all weekend, thanks to everyone who came out!

Jesus was black and so is Captain America. one of the most amazing things i've ever seen,almost like seeing a real life super hero, on the way down to san diego, we saw a Black Motorcycle gang rolling over 100 deep on the freeway , stretching for miles, when we finally got to the front to see who the leader was, he was riding way ahead of the pack, NO HANDS! with his fucking arms crossed , wearing a mask!!!! amazing

Loki's a chick, time for Odin's sleep, even amazonians get cold and need to wear socks, but the Garth Ennis created character of a whore turned to super heroism , takes the prize.

I would like to say this homemade, iron man costume is the best, but if you look up to the right, never nude, takes the cake.

stan sakai the mother fucking man, i spent my childhood reading usagi yojimbo's!

future Rhode had the best costume and the best booth, and the best books

the Jaworski's had us over for dinner, where Jason's mom made a vat of Bacon Sauce, which we poured over rice, and ate without chewing, and then she pulled out this feast, after dinner we had a little beetle friend hissing and flying around us, he was cool.

Arturo Sandoval invited us to a studio session at the capitol
records building on sunset and vine, i knew james jean rips on the trumpet, but didn't know JJ was a huge fan, had all his records and all that shit, so he got to nerd out, it's like if i got to meet steven adler, i learned how to play drums , playing to paradise city.

combo roast , medium hot, at the oyster bar , at the palace station might be one of the best meals on the planet, sharing it with two of the best writers in the world, Jason Jaworski, and Joseph Kurtzman makes it even tastier. tried to meditate with joey and jenny for 20 minutes, but instead i fell asleep after 10 minutes and farted really loud , waking myself up and fucking up everyone else, sorry.

relaxin' with the miami crew

heard alot of bad rumor's about SABER so i stopped by echo park, to see if any of the psychotic episodes and suicide attempts were true,... they were. Saber is the best and most loved Graf writer i know, all day driving around L.A. the fucking kid's were going crazy, here's some close up's of some work in progress, for an upcoming solo show in L.A. i got the guy out of the house , and he 's basically the best guy ever to show you the best spots in town, he's the best L.A. tour guide you could ever have, he's got stories about every alley, street corner, and freeway overpass.

everyone knows spongebob is the best, and spongebob doesnt give a fuck, i spotted him in two different murals in la, that day , i dont know who did the one on the left but EWOK did the one on the right .

MSK secret weapon ROID fucking killing it

real nice REVOK and PUSH piece in downtown.

i took SABER to nerdcore's horror photoshoot, at an abandoned hospital, there was blood everywhere, and saber knife tagged the entire joint.

everytime i hang out with justine joli , she's always naked and i see her entire butthole and pussy area, last time i was drawing her naked in the shower, while i was still wearing all my clothes like, weird science.

the koreans are everywhere in l.a., everytime i go, Korea town keeps getting bigger, they're taking over little tokyo and little osaka, and now the LACMA gave them thier own fucking show. it's up right now and pretty fucking amazing, koreans are fucked, and the more fucked you are, the better the art, like my man, harry kim says, it's a dog eat dog world out there, and we're korean.

here's my mom dancing in the museum in front of A Warhol painting, she touched a george bellows painting and almost got us all kicked out, what a menace!

here's 2 women eating the ropa vieja and fried pork chunks at versailles in L.A. on pico and lacienega.
6 bottles of hairspray-check
clown make up-check
breathing apparatus with oxygen tank-check
here's two dudes eating apple pie ala' mode at norm's on lacienega at 3 am.
calculator watch-check
cracking the code and new harry potter book-check
2 book reading stands-check
pocket protector-check
fanny pack-check
utility tool-check
fat albino friend-check

harry's movie dirty hands , sold out theaters in film festivals all over the world, got amazing reviews, and won some awards, i get emails everyday asking when it will reach they're town or come out on VHS, LASERDISC, BETAMAX, or DVD. and since harry is broke and has no rights to any of the music in the movie,no descendents, no DJ assault, no sepultura, no Ratatat, no depeche mode, and especially no kenny loggin's, so the answer was, proboably never. so this fucker instead of burying the movie decides to rescore the entire movie, so that means we have to form, KOREANS GONE BAD once more to do the soundtrack, see those black sticks, they are 40 dollar titanium, unbreakable sticks, i've broken three pairs already, but we're not going down this road alone, thanks to Mr. Hahn, super producer Dr. Luke, my bro, and my favorite metal band, HIGHTOWER!!!For helping out, thanks dudes!!

i been hearing about this musical genius , John brion for along time now, he plays every friday at the LARGO on lacienega, he rips on every fucking instrument from drums to guitar to the mother fucking celesta, produced kanye's last two albums, and does a bunch of cool soundtrack work, he'll have jon c reily up on stage to do a live version of boats and ho's from step brothers, or do a mega ass ripping version of little red corvette that will make your eyes and ears bleed, t's rare you get to see a genius like this create right in front of your eyes and ears, the guy fucking paints with music, and layers and cakes the shit on so thick you can't breathe, and every show is completely different, if you live in L.A. and you don't go , your a fucking retard, the day i went Fiona Apple came on stage and made people who don't even like her, fall in love with her.

ok time to go to sleep, got on jetblue and watch" it's on with alexa chung" and listen to her cute yet slightly annoying british accent while i nod off. I LOVE CALIFORNIA