I just returned home from china, if i didn't have to finish the projects i agreed to out here in america,i would've stayed out there forever, the art show was big fun and a huge success for me,and the Chinese were cool as shit, thanks to everyone out there. Me and Harry ,just finished shooting thumbs up season 3:china, it was our most brutal trip to date, hopefully you will enjoy it (all above photo's by Joe To).
in the almost three months i was gone i turned my phone off
and rarely checked my email, it was very calming, it was such a relief to turn on my computer today, and finally get some fan mail instead of the usual hate mail, finally someone who agree's with my appraisal of myself and my art.

"David choe is a total asshole and his art is total crap, he seems to have failed to develop as a person, I suspect that I’m hardly alone in my appraisal of david choe and his sloppy, ugly, worthless art, as far as I’m concerned he will have to work in an orphanage for AIDS orphans in the congo before I’ll ever respect him, He isn’t doing anything good for the world , and I’m calling bullshit on his whole immature shtick."
– Will