i forget sometimes with all this blogging nonsense, that back in the bay , my in-tra-net was the xerox machine at kinko's.
before blogging was the 'zine, and i did a bunch back in the day . i don't have any of the old ones because my ex-girlfriend stole them from me, and i have no desire to add anymore drama to my life, keep 'em bitch. anyways my friend pete, who i went to art school , THE CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF ARTS AND CRAFTS, in oakland just bloggedy blogged all this blast from the past shit about my old zine's here,
so i thought i'd re-post here for anyone who's interested in the early days, pete's a super talented filmaker, that works at a junkstore and also runs this cool little gallery in oaktown 357(, and they have a killer bookstore that carries all the goodness. Me and Pete just made all these short films, here's a trailer(i plyed the drums and pete played the organ)......