it's not T.V. it's online T.V. VBS.TV
no commercials and i get to cuss, entire cross country adventure will be broadcast over 3 weeks

from VBS.TV
"Checking in on the “Best Post From the VBS Forums” department, we have this missive from a user named rye_bread: “this is the best thing to come along, online, ever. I've gone through everything you've posted...twice... is my new heroin. My boss is gonna fuckin hate you guys. Productivity just took a shit up in here!” Thanks rye_bread. The recovered junkies among our staff appreciate being compared to dope. We know how much that means, and it’s touching.

So don’t forget, VBS viewers, we are posting new shows every day. Coming up tomorrow is the debut of Vice Guide to Travel sex symbol David Choe’s original VBS series Thumb’s Up, in which he bravely hitchhikes and hops freight trains all the way across the country. Also tomorrow, the conclusion of Heavy Metal in Baghdad."

check it out

episode one:

episode two:

episode three: