i been spoiled all these years with the finest spray paint, montana and all the european shit, i haven't used krylon in years so when i got to china, all the spray cans were male, rendering all my male fat cap tips useless, and the only female cans had to be imported from hong kong, plus the paint was the cheap watery shit from my past, you had to go over the same lines over and over to get hard, its not my best work but you try using this cheap shit busting out with some 1990's shit ,i still got a little bit of the touch
if you want to get any of this stuff contact info@pyogalleryla.com
my BEIJING solo art show,DEATHBLOSSOM, opening in three different spaces on the same night april 4rth, here's some work in progress, and a couple finished pieces thanks to upperplayground, giant robot, and everyone who helped out , and came out last night, to suport the dirty hands movie in san francisco , i heard it was a full house and i felt the love all the way here out in cold china, i really tried hard to make it out , but i was busy painting this... and i wanted to get the lips just right, i know you guys can appreciate that right ? China is pretty amazing, me and joe to (he took all the photo's and drew this sketch of me, because that's what we like to do , paint and draw each other silly in bathrobes ) bought dirt cheap bikes on the first day, we get up every morning at 7 stretch ,bench press each other and then ride 2 miles to the dirtiest street market and eat all the nasty shit, and then get the shits by noon, its so fucking cheap out here, and the food is so good, no one speaks english and we harrass everyone , we got a huge painting studio where we play indoor badminton,blast howard stern and DMX and, paint, draw and create all day and night, it's sort of the monk/jail life with better food, better brushes, daily bike rides, and less anal sex. The art world out here destroys anything going on in the western world , they create entire worlds that make you forget everything, its next level shit, and completely mind blowing. hope all is well back home, be back soo...never? p.s. see how skinny i was when i got out of jail in this clip, KQED just sent to me